As a photographer I have the chance to photograph weddings in some amazing places. True North in Zion Utah is just one of those amazing places. Molly and Chris knew they wanted to have their wedding at Zion National Park. They both have a love for the outdoors and there really isn’t anywhere that encapsulates the beauty of nature like Zion National Park. Molly & Chris are both members of the US Navy and are true patriots. Their love for country mixed with their love of nature was carried throughout their wedding details and theme. Forevermore events did an amazing job with all of their setup and design. They had three long tables with a dance floor in the middle which really made the event feel intimate for all of the guests. All around True North in Zion are the amazing rock formations and natural landscape. Everything tied into this perfectly. The floral by Bloomers was also perfect for the day. Bloomers always does and amazing job and brings together the perfect accents for the wedding. Kitchen 435 did their fun BBQ style hamburger dinner, which really tied in with the outdoor light atmosphere. Zion National park has some of the most breathtaking views which were seen by all during the wedding ceremony. The background was absolutely stunning. Sandstone cliffs and mesas made for one of the most memorable wedding ceremonies for all involved. Red Tie Cinema did a wedding video of the day and captured so much of the fun and love between these two and their guests. It can get cold in Zion at night so on top of having heaters there were also beautiful southwest blankets available for the guests to snuggle up in. The night was beautiful with a sky filled with dazzling stars and a cool breeze. True North is such a magical place for a wedding. Im so glad to have been able to photograph this perfect day for Molly and Chris!
Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helpful.
[…] no wonder that people travel from all over the world to visit Southern Utah and partake of its splendor. Snow Canyon State Park has to be one of the most stunning places on […]
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